The Second Amendment is Guaranteed for Each of us !

	Proponents of gun control are convinced that guns in the hands of individuals are to 
blame for violence in America.  Their efforts to strictly control, or eliminate, those guns 
conflicts with the beliefs held by most Americans that "the right of the people to Keep and 
Bear Arms" applies to them.  Hence the second amendment has been subjected to intense and  
critical scrutiny. As to whether or not it is an individual or collective Right.
	By 1975 the issue had become so confusing that the members of an American Bar Assoc. 
Committee charged with sorting it out, threw up their hands and announced "It is doubtful 
that the founding fathers had any intent in mind with regard to the meaning of the Amendment".  
(Basically, it would not be in the best interest of the lawyers to agree with this being an 
individual right.)  To me its obvious that the meaning is simply as stated "The right of the 
people to Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed."

	Since then scholars, (not lawyers), from various fields have delved into the matter 
and found overwhelming contemporary evidence that the founders intended and meant to guarantee 
an individual right and no evidence to support the notion that a collective right was intended.  
NOTE:  The "militia", was to be made up of the whole of the people, and  safeguards were built 
in to: 1. Keep the Military from any activities against  civilians; and 2. To see that any 
standing Army had to be "funded" at the discretion of Congress quite often. 
	In early American discourse "Bear Arms" simply referred to carrying a weapon, as a 1998 
Supreme Court decision found it still does.
	When King Henry the 8th converted his militia from bows to muskets in the 16th century, 
thousands of Englishmen had to find a gun and be trained to use it.  He also urged all his 
people to have and keep in every household a handgun or handguns of the length of one whole 
yard with the intent to shoot and use the same when the need arises.
	Colonial Legislators required citizens to own firearms.  In fact such laws were routine 
insistent and enforced.  Poor Virginians were given guns at reduced cost or put to work to earn 
their weapons.  Connecticut was typical in requiring every householder to always be provided 
with and have always ready a musket or other firearm.
	After the militia Act of 1792, Congress took upon itself the responsibility of providing 
the citizens with firearms.  In fact the law states that "every  Citizen so enrolled and notified, 
shall within 6 months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or fire lock".  

	Statements made by such men as; John Adams, Patrick Henry, Noah Webster, Richard Henry Lee, 
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and others all agree that their fellow countrymen were all well 
armed.  As it was important now.  We must all stand together and be armed to protect all of our 
rights guaranteed to us by our Constitution. 

				    by PGOA Board Member, David Parker

Continued by PGOA President, Roy Pittman     
"Stand and Demand!"   TOGETHER!
	The strongest opposition to our Constitution and Guaranteed Rights continues to wage 
war in the news media, and legislative bodies throughout our nation.  Their economic funding 
and lack of integrity is without equal.  Lies, deceit, fear tactics, and greed are the tools 
which they utilize to perfection in their quest to undermine our nation, and suppress our people 
into the U. N.'s socialistic, New World Order. 
	Listen up neighbors.  Liberty is neither a young nor weak tree in this nation.  Very 
few of us are dull-witted enough to allow the dismantling of the greatest nation in the history 
of the world, if we all knew the truth of our situation.  
	We can not stand by and allow this degenerating cancer to perpetuate in our country 
any longer.  Legislators must be brought in line to serve for the benefit of their masters, 
the Citizens of this nation and the Constitution they are sworn to uphold and defend.  Each of 
us must use every bit of wisdom and energy we can muster daily, to preserve our nation and rid 
our soil of these incompatible opportunists.
	Horse whipping the elitist air-heads that continue to support Anti-American laws and 
activities from their lofty positions, is not what I'm proposing.  Get busy, push them with 
letters, calls, and in meetings and rallies every way you can.  Organize, organize, organize!  
We don't have to put up with borderline treason.  Don't give up and don't back off.  

Unite, organize, prepare, plan, and act.  Push, boycott, and picket!  

	Review your legislator's every vote.  Point out and list every wormy move of any of your 
government officials from the top to the bottom, and include the school boards.  Find someone 
capable and sound to run against them when needed.  Look for legal grounds to get them removed 
from office.  Make their lives miserable daily!  We have a dozen ways to get them out, but 
there is only one way they can stay in!  They have to get elected!  

	Get everyone you know registered, and motivated!  Get them active and enlightened. 
Sort out the workload, work in teams, use pertinent information from like minded groups.  People 
do care and people will help in lots of ways.  Work hard at changing the defeatist and apathetic 
attitudes of many.  That's the battle at hand.  It is a very do-able win for us.  We out number 
them hundreds to one.  We just haven't had the effort put forth to get peoples attention, yet!

	Stay tuned in.  All the Pro-Constitution supporters for every single right, every taxpayer 
that's tired of getting a raw deal, all the parents that can't believe the lack of education 
in their schools, and every worker that resents their union bosses deciding who their dues will 
support for election, and every American including the veterans will soon have the opportunity 
to join in a movement such as this nation has been in need of for a long time.  A true, 
"Renaissance of the people, for the people, and by the people" is underway and growing.  Be part 
of it before that right, too, is crushed and abused by the out of control promoters of a centralized 
	The potential for an unwanted armed revolution lingers and lurks at the voting  of every 
unconstitutional bill.  Many unwise decisions by several leaders from both of the major parties 
have brought us to this pitiful point in our history.  The question is simple; Where do you want 
to go from here?  What are you willing to put forth to inspire positive changes?  Are you willing 
to sacrifice even a little of your precious time to learn more and help educate others that they, 
too, can in turn become a pillar of freedom, rather than just another tax paying number of a 
central government.  If you choose to be free rather than government chattel, join us or another 
group, but get involved now!  If you are already involved, renew your efforts by recruiting 
others.  There is no room for a one man crusade.  It is only through the education of the citizens 
and their commitment to freedom that our nation will continue.  I urge you to make this choice now, 
only good can come of it.  The sooner you are involved, the sooner your efforts will begin to 
weigh in on the positive side, from the lowest to the highest government positions.
	Remember, it's often the little actions, that make the big changes possible. 
The PGOA continues to work with several other groups through out our state and nation to bring 
about needed changes to law and attitudes of government officials.

	We are sad to report the demise of one of  Erie Counties' most adamant pro Constitution 
organizations, the "Defenders of the Constitution".  They have been a good ally and filled a 
large void in Erie County by informing and educating on many levels, to the short falls of our 
government officials, and their threats to our society. 
	Their devoted efforts will be greatly missed by not only their members but the thousands 
that they touched with their newsletters, and the groups that associated with them.  The PGOA is 
focused on a much narrower course and cannot offer the spectrum of comments that they did.  
Our membership does have like concerns on most of the topics they pursued, but are devoted 
primarily to the gun rights issues.  

	Their staff, supporters, and readers are welcome and invited to join with us to any 
degree they feel comfortable.  

	To the leaders of the organization we only say we salute your courage, efforts, and ideals.  
We have shared much information and weariness over the years.  We wish you great success in your 
private lives, and hope, you will continue to forward your comments and any opinion articles 
to us that you may wish to put forth.  You have no reason to hang your heads.  You have pursued 
a demanding course for a long time, and a rest was far overdue.  Drop in to our meetings, shoots, 
and rallies anytime.  You know you'll be among friends that support gun rights and the Constitution.      


	To answer several of you who have raised the same question, our next gun raffle is about 
to get started.  We have renewed our required license, and will have verification on the gun orders 
before this goes to print, (hopefully).  All we will need then is a place and date for the drawing 
and we can get the tickets printed.